Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, Pentecostal, historic Black, and Mainline Protestant Communions & organizations witnessing together to the reconciling power of Jesus

The Urgency of CCT

In this age of polarization, the world longs for a united witness of those who profess Jesus as Lord. With one of the broadest fellowships of Christian communions in the U.S., representing over 60 million American Christians, Christian Churches Together (CCT) presents such a witness.

ThE Way of CCT:

loving, learning, and Leading

Christian Churches Together (CCT) brings together the diversity of Christian churches and organizations in the U.S. to foster loving relationships, cultivate theological learning, and discern, through consensus, how we bear witness to the reconciling power of Jesus.

The Latest News from CCT

CCT joins 10 ecumenical organizations for a prayer session to mark the beginning of Lent

On March 3, CCT presidents and Executive Director, Monica Schaap Pierce, joined dozens of Christian leaders from around the U.S. to pray for renewal during the season of Lent and for the visible unity of Christ’s church.

The recorded prayers are available here:

On January 1,

Five New Leaders Joined the CCT Steering Commitee.

Read the Executive Director’s year-end reflection here

CCT Prays

The CCT Presidents, Executive Director, and the President of Sojourners joined together in a prayer service for the elections on Monday, November 4 at Noon EST. Presented on Facebook and YouTube (below).


New Resource on Receptive Ecumenism

CCT has pioneered a unique approach to Receptive Ecumenism, emphasizing listening and reflection rather than doctrinal uniformity. By fostering respectful dialogue across diverse Christian traditions, CCT has become a leading training center for Receptive Ecumenism in the U.S., offering training through its annual Forum and in partnership with two other ecumenical groups in 2024.

We give thanks

CCT gives thanks for our time together at the 2024 CCT Forum, where 70 participants from 40 national churches and organizations gathered for 3 days in Memphis to learn, love, and lead. Together with the Holy Spirit, we are bringing unity where there was division. We are Christian Churches Together. #cctforum