Consensus Decision-Making :
How CCT participants seek the will of God and work together to discern the guidance of the Spirit
“Consensus is largely about how we relate to each other as followers of Christ… ”
Not only does it help discern ways forward, but it also reminds us that being in relationship is about honoring each other by listening to each other. It requires humility and consistency. It calls us to commit to following a particular path together, even when we may not have chosen that path on our own.” Find out more by clicking the button below.
A Note about participating in the CCT process of consensus at the annual Forum:
CCT welcomes all Christ-followers to participate in our fellowship, whether through in-person participation or virtual attendance. That said, consensus at the annual CCT Forum is sought among those gathered in person. As a result, virtual participation in the Forum may be limited.
Since its inception, CCT has prioritized meeting in person as an expression of our incarnational faith. Like the apostle Paul, we make “every effort” to meet face-to-face with other Christians (1 Thess. 2:17 and 3:10) in order to encounter the whole person. That said, the CCT Steering Committee understands that individual cases may arise that necessitate one’s virtual attendance. In these cases, requests to participate in consensus virtually may be made to the CCT Presidents by emailing the Executive Director prior to the Forum.
For those gathered in person, consensus is sought among “Participant Representatives.” “Official Observers” and “Ecumenical Guests” are invited to comment, but they do not participate in the process of decision-making. In other words, the use of orange and blue cards and declaring whether one Agrees, Agrees with Reservations, Stands Aside, or Blocks—the four options exercised in the consensus model–is reserved for the Participant Representatives. This ensures fair representation of the Participants, in accordance with CCT Bylaws Article 4, Section 1.