At the Central Committee meeting of the World Council of Churches June 2018, it was announced that our General Secretary, Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, will not be seeking a third term. We give thanks for his ministry and leadership over these past years.
We are now in the position of seeking a new General Secretary to lead this historic and critical ecumenical fellowship of the one church of Christ.
A Search Committee was elected by the Central Committee and had its organizing meeting in November 2018. With this letter, we are inviting member churches and our ecumenical partners to solicit nominations for the position, following the timeline described below. You will find the essential documents attached to this letter to aid your process of identifying and encouraging qualified nominations: The “Role and Responsibilities of the General Secretary of the WCC” and the nomination and application forms.
The deadline for submitting an application with the nomination form from the member church is 1 May 2019.
For more information go HERE